Now you can see what the dentist sees Intraoral video imaging involves the use of a miniature camera with a fiber optic light source that fits into your mouth and takes digital photographs of the teeth and gums. The camera is attached to a computer which allows the images of your teeth to be displayed on the computer monitor, allowing patients to see just what the dentist sees. With clear, defined, enlarged images we can also see details that could be missed by the standard mirror examination. This can mean a faster and more accurate diagnosis.
Some of the conditions we can see with an intraoral camera that are difficult to see with the naked eye include various types of oral pathology and lesions, broken filings and other types of restorations, cracked teeth, a variety of gum conditions and cavities in areas that are difficult to see and reach. You will be amazed by the quality of the images and just how diagnostic they really are.
We can also save the images for your patient records, which can Be used to show treatment results as well as communications with Other specialists, laboratories or insurance companies. A picture is truly worth a thousand words.